Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

Customer Relationship Management, abbreviated to the three letters 'CRM', is a system for systematically looking after the various processes involved in customer relationships and its documentation. It assists with the management of customer relationships and helps keep the various pieces of information about them readily available for various tasks.

Customer Relationship Management and its objectives

The aim of CRM is to provide a company with a consistent approach towards their customers and a system for maintaining and intensifying customer contacts. The consistent use of Customer Relationship Management can significantly increase corporate success, especially with long-term customer relationships. Through the use of collected relationship data, the CRM is able to make communication and dialogue with every customer more efficient and help eliminate potential weaknesses.

The main goals of CRM are:

  • increasing customer satisfaction and creating new purchase incentives
  • improving customer loyalty in the long term
  • making the most of customer potential 
  • minimising costs in the company through central data retention 
  • optimising processes and increasing delivery times
  • the early identification of trends, risks and opportunities
  • providing customers with tailor-made solutions

Supporting CRM through modern communication systems and integrated telephony solutions

Modern communication solutions, such as cloud telephone systems and Computer Integrated Telephony (CTI), support Customer Relationship Management. All data on individual calls and customers can be directly collected during phone calls and stored centrally. Thanks to the central database, the information is made available throughout an entire company and can be used by other departments without delay. Complete telephone histories are created and stored for every customer and all transactions can be traced at any time by employees in different business areas. CRM functionality can be implemented by installing software modules directly or through a cloud service over the network. Cloud services offer the additional advantage that the customer does not need to maintain their own hardware or software for the CRM and the range of functions can be flexibly adapted to individual requirements.